Friday 13 November 2015



Honestly i really love baking sampai rase nk bukak cafe (insyaAllah) one fine day. Mula-mula minat tu sampai mase still lagi kerja. ambik order sikit2 dari friends and families.

 * DFCC with berry, malters and kinder bueno

*fudgy brownies yg berkedut kedut

Kalau minat tu dah ade penat macam mane pon still rase enjoy je buat kan. That's what i feel right now,     and insyaAllah hopefully nak jadi full time baker tu tercapai. Untuk sampai tahap tu aku rase perlu belajar lagi macam mane selok belok perniagaan and nk kembangkan business. Jadi part time baker ni benda baru yang aku cuba buat since everyone doing more than 2 jobs nowdays. Thing might be rough at first but kalau kita berusaha and do what's best that we can, people will finally look and realise our effort kan? *positive positive fatihah* tehee.

Btw if anyone interested nk order and rase my cakes, feel free email me or korang ley whatsapp no iolls ni 011-23585428. Seriously no calls and i will not answering and strangers number bahaha. but my cakes only COD area seremban 2, seremban 3, rasah. Thanks for reading my entry. 

till then,
xoxo miow.

Thursday 12 November 2015



newbie is here :) . hopefully dapat share something useful to others.

till then,
xoxo miow:)